The Four Honor Books is a continuing curated curriculum designed to help you revamp in English whether is it reading, writing or speaking. Polyglot multilingual members can join to improve their English exponentially in no time. Like the Weight of a Piano, practice makes perfect —Chris Candor
Meet the Founder
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Work is happiness on the inside. To speak eloquently and to express oneself thoroughly. Communication is a human being profoundest gift so that there is thinking; fast and slow and its phenomenon. Like the rainmaker; rain in brain. And the thunder of his power; also the power of purity. There is marvel and miracle of heaven’s wager when the ground meets empyrean. There will be an explosion and judgement day will once. The second coming of Christ. Someone did all this. It is in someone’s head like stranger than fiction. It is all been written. Humans are up to constant tests. Survival of the fittest. For recordings, that the human race ever existed. Be educated and honorable; those know how to read, write and speak. Welcome to the Four Honor Books if you believe me! Let’s find out more together…I invite you all…
The Power of Reading
Welcome to The Four Honors Books! Reading is learning. Most likely whenever you read you learn something new. You love to read then you love to learn and in return you will reap smartness and intelligence when we discuss your reading. You will have content. If reading is our passion then we will learn the library. Many people who love to learn read plenty. It can go on. Power is winning…in a war not this part. (Most likely when we prepare for the argument in the courtroom) Speaking Class. Speaking class is stimulating! Myth: People know reading is always positive no matter, but there are always distractions. Because of everyday life activities people are lazy to read. Are people smart because they do not find time to read and have other preferences. There are distractions and lack of concentration but what can be more fun and exciting than reading if we organize it and know its advantages. Just pick up a book and start learning! People love to read but what are the advantages compared to the similar intelligence faculties of writing and speaking. Follow the positive feedback to comprehend the power of read! Only reading can gain you knowledge. Quotations: Reading is diligent (hard work) and rigorous(meticulous). For those who love to learn…then simply read. You don’t have to search in the wilderness. The eyes are the window to the soul…some things are worth seeing to comprehend its meaning infinitely. You can imagine dragons…find out can rainmakers be bona fide? Words and intelligence can turn your imagination into the endless beautiful wonders of the ancient world and today's innovation. Read now. What is your favorite genre? Fiction or nonfiction. Not fantasy or science fiction. I hate romance, that's why I am how I am. The disquisition at pencil point. Essay Walden. On Civil Disobedience. I like it to be in touch with nature and tranquility. The Vatican Prophecy. Know the origin of the Catholic Church where the Pope resides. Conclave and election of Pope by Cardinals worldly event. I love to read to empower my inner self and understanding of the world outside.
The Eloquence of Speaking
Speaking Class at The Four Honor Books
Discretion and care: Our team at The Four Honor books are learners(sisters) and entrepreneurs (brothers). We are fastidious learners and any learning is proactive to the sisters, but we are not proactive at securing capital/money and are not wealthy as the entrepreneur businessmen. Those who value learning and knowledge are empowered in a smart and intelligent manner compared to those in the business world who are empowered by the power of money vested. Which rank supreme? Knowledge or Money?
Our family at The Four Honor books conjoined both the learners and the entrepreneurs, brothers and sisters to make up this legal course at The Four Honor Books that would encapsulate both learning and business. What would calm the disquietude at Court is the voice of reason. Any transaction needs reason vested, that is the main drive of life.
Speaking Class Tier The Four Honor Books
Come to consult our experienced teachers at The Four Honor Books in vocalization and they will place you in the speaking level that best fits based on your eloquence.
Beginner: Speaker can utter with minor hiatus but utilizes lay and commonplace vocabularies to explain. Their speech is not as fast compared to advance and the tier above. Most people fall under this category and will advance with practice at The Four Honor Books
Advance: Advance speakers are more extravagant with their quotidian vocabularies, and are able to explain procedures. Fast speaking compared to beginners.
Expert: An expert speaker is an orator; an individual with the highest acumen in speaking and public speaking. Able to speak in front of a general audience without anxieties.
Remember don’t be indolent and lackadaisical when it comes to speaking to people. Use your tongue of fire to articulate like the 12 disciples of Jesus. They were missionaries to heraldry Jesus teaching across the earth and soon there are now approximately 1.2 billion Catholics. They were given strength from the holy spirit to overcome their anxieties to speak and make Jesus' words be widespread. They were able to recruit many converts with their tongue of fire to enlist and believe in his resurrection and finally there will be judgment day that is the end of the world.These missionaries are great orator.
Are you convinced? Life is about reason. Humanity has reasons to live for. All is fair in love and war. Life is fair and everything happens for a reason. There is godspeed.
It is human nature to adjudicate reasons for human existence other than the insane. Why we are here is to full-fill our legacy which is to honor and respect our parents and live happily. Why we are here is to better our family and community eventually. To continue preserving the earth for the next generation while living on it and its never about the destination but the journey. Growth and learning in any faculty transpires incrementally. Start your journey now and learn with our family at The Four Honor Books! We have much pride in our family at The Four Honor Books!
Where is this Learning Skill Center located?
It is a group getting together to revamp in reading, writing, speaking and with most emphasis on speaking to become eloquent.
Payment: Is made payable to Carol Pham. Optional/Merits or $31 dollars an hour/guaranteed improvements. Pay Weekly.
Lastly, but not least.
Elegance in Writing
It is common sense that everybody likes to write in humanity. It is a good faculty. To my brothers and sisters we have an alliance with each other to keep and rely on one another as we save ourselves and humanity. Brothers and sisters we are each other's most resilient support and we dovetail together despite all collusion in the family. A family divided among itself would not stand. It is survival of the fittest. We have each other to prosper together by the powers vested in God.
Writing: Write comprehensively. Topic sentence, supporting details and closing remark. Write the essay/work in as many paragraphs as you want as long as you tell everything you want the audiences to know. Practice makes perfect.
Have space for writing. Background music is not recommended for full concentration. Think before you begin penning. Write one sentence a time and make sure it is coherent. Don’t jump to different topics in a section/paragraph. It just takes time for your writing to gain elegance and to have style. Time will only move forward so continue practicing and you will progress. Worry about regressing? Then practice all the time to make sure you think fast when it comes to prehensile ideas for topics or urges.
Legibility in Writing: Check for spelling, grammar, coherency and make sure your sentences make sense.
Elegant/ Style in writing: Write different sentence lengths to have emphasis in what you are trying to convey. Write with eloquence/voice.
Readership in writing: Reread your articles and make amends one your own.
Editing: Someone else can check your work to ensure 100% accuracy before publishing.
We are almost coming to an end and let me give standing ovation to everybody in my family for their unconditional support throughout the year from birth to grown. It is unrequited. This filial love is unreturnable and I will never be able to repay for every sacrifice they have made, especially to my Mom. Now it is time to learn and let our journey commence!